NWBB Nordwest-Gesellschaft für Baubedarf und Beratung GmbH (HRB 31675) is a limited liability company that registered in Erkrath/Germany on 19.11.2020 .
Owner & Ceo of NWBB has worked in Lotus Group for many years.
((Lotus Economic and Engineering Group)) as one of the leading companies in the luxury construction industry, always tries to take an effective step to improve the quality of the country's construction by relying on the experiences and records of managers and also by using creative and specialized forces.
During several years of professional activity in this field, Lotus Group has been able to leave an acceptable record in the field of modern and luxurious constructions with the approach of updating the originality of Iranian architecture.
This collection has always sought to create new and up-to-date investment opportunities in the field of luxury construction; That is why its managers have been able to achieve appropriate economic-profit solutions in this field and, by using the most up-to-date and efficient techniques and methods and also they define sustainable benefits for all stakeholder by localizing global achievements in the field of construction.